I am learning (more personally than before) that there are things in our inherent worldviews we need to let go of, which need to be torn down in order for us to see the hurting and the overlooked. Continue reading Rebuilding
I am learning (more personally than before) that there are things in our inherent worldviews we need to let go of, which need to be torn down in order for us to see the hurting and the overlooked. Continue reading Rebuilding
The world dealt you problems
as big the ocean
and I’m trying to scoop them out
with a thimble Continue reading Overwhelm: A Poem
Mornings haven’t always been my favorite. But crisp cool air has always been a favorite of mine. In high school, my mom would drag me out of bed to go for a five a.m. run. even if it was twenty degrees. Continue reading For the Weary: Two Simple tools to Connect with God
Passion writer: one who is not an employed full-time writer but makes time for the craft of writing. They do this because they feel called to write, they love it, and they feel alive when they put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or (for a few) hands to the typewriter. Continue reading Lessons from a Passion Writer + A Prayer for Writers
I have been waking up during the night with a barrage of thoughts and fears. Mainly they revolve around not doing enough, not being enough, and fear of death or losing a loved one. Continue reading Monday Musings- Thoughts on Fall and Falling